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Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization


Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Testing | Invasive Cardiac Procedures

Our leading cardiologists take great care to provide advanced diagnostic services to our patients. One procedure frequently used for diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of heart conditions is called cardiac catheterization, also known as a ‘cardiac cath.’

This procedure involves a long thin tube (the catheter) inserted into an artery in the patient’s arm, groin, or veins of groin or neck, and then guided through the circulatory pathway to the heart.

Cardiac catheterizations may be done to further assess one’s coronary arteries for blockages, assessing the status of the heart’s valves, the heart squeezing function. Furthermore, the blood pressures in the various chambers of the heart and lungs can be measured to help understand a patient's physiologic impairment associated with their conditions. In the same sitting, we may perform a coronary intervention to place a stent into the disease artery. A diagnostic catheterization test usually takes 20-30 minutes; whereas an intervention to place a stent may take up to 60-90 minutes.

These procedures do not require any specific preparation, and you will be given a relaxation anesthetic, though patients are usually awake during the catheterization. Once the procedure is completed, you will be carefully monitored during a brief rest and recovery period, and then most likely be sent home, or admitted to the hospital overnight, depending on what transpired during the procedure. You will rest assured that you have received the best possible cardiac care at South Palm Cardiovascular Associates.





Nuclear Stress Testing


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Cardiac Catheterization





South Palm Cardiovascular Associates
2300 South Congress Ave, Suite 105
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: 561-515-0080
Fax: 561-303-2135

Office Hours

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