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Peripheral Arterial Disease


Peripheral arterial disease, sometimes called peripheral artery disease or PAD, is a relatively common circulatory system disorder. PAD results from narrowed arteries, which reduce the flow of blood to the limbs, especially the lower limbs. When this happens, and the limbs are deprived of sufficient blood, then the symptoms of PAD start to set in.

PAD symptoms include leg pain, numbness, and sores on the limbs that won’t heal. Without treatment, PAD and plaque buildup can also lead to the development of other conditions such as stroke, heart attack, and critical limb ischemia.

Since PAD can lead to serious consequences if left untreated, and because it may also be a sign of dangerous plaque buildup in the blood vessels, your vascular specialist at South Palm Cardiovascular Associates will recommend that you are tested for this condition. PAD testing at our center is comprehensive, noninvasive and painless. If your vascular doctor diagnoses you with PAD he will then recommend appropriate treatment to effectively manage your condition and prevent it from progressing. If you have PAD in addition to other cardiac or circulatory conditions, our top cardiovascular specialists will work together to create a comprehensive treatment plan that meets all your needs.


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South Palm Cardiovascular Associates
2300 South Congress Ave, Suite 105
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: 561-515-0080
Fax: 561-303-2135

Office Hours

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